Saturday 26 June 2010

Apology to God

Well, not my fault no limit for all these shows poker, ugly, tasteless and Pokemon Dragon Ball Z cartoons that even the challenge, moss grow, Britney Spears and Hillary Duff large teeth. Some may think that I have a hand in rigging Clay Aiken American Idol had to win the show got better taste than that.

So, you know who I am? But if you meet me have some courtesy. Some sympathy and some taste Use all learned good courtesy.
Sure, I have read, do not deserve it. But if you've heard for the last time talking with someone I have been more. I mean, you now have Prozac to people. ordered to kill Back in the day with Moses stuff enough to heat a shop in Rhino.

For most Jews in the near future the book on all the prophets in 586 BC after the destruction of the First Temple. They have just published this book and rewritten to the point was difficult becauseall of the hand. The Bible is a great book that has helped many small to see over the steering wheel and has a lot of small children close to their Cheerios. Imagine writing down anywhere? Well, this is the entire New Testament, the Torah first rigorously.

Yes, you guessed it! There is help me God. The YHWH. The Lord Jehovah or German for you. I am what I am. But I still do not understand that these are still Popeye. Must be a reference to Odin?

Now, if you're a teenager,Do not do something stupid. 'My terrible two have different consequences, floods and everything, but I learned. There is no reason why teenage pregnancy is a bad thing! Are you really so I tried to keep the dark, I expected that you get the apple.

But he had to win. Always try to hide the jam in the refrigerator? Or better yet, ask someone to hide you? Now, taste the best for this cookie. Remember all the funAlcohol and sex before marriage? Hmmm ... Tricky!

I f you do not win freedom and self-determination, letting go of long ago. But I still wonder America fell steals them. Do you like my old self. The terrible father in heaven, fear and control. And the great propaganda.

Here Jesus asks me to remember that in Latin means heretic, those who see with their eyes open. Blue rule in a world that is not spoiled for choicegood.

Now back to my story ...

Yes, I'm picking losers. I connect with them because most were like me. In my image.

It 'was the incident of Noah was a drunk, but the blame on him. I asked him to save his skin and he cried the rest of the world dying around him. Then, some consider me for the great wealth that Abraham advantage of his cowardice in the face of love the king. In fact, it was the work of all Saharah. Then allMiddle East because of the drugs was of contraception to protect against the king's lap for the eighties. Oops Or, these functions adequately Hagar. Or Bathsheba this question. But still does not justify, my honor, I put on David Saul after pressing closer to death or sent Uriah to his. It 'was the first separation of the Red Sea, you should see all the soldiers to break and for him alone with the crickets accompanyingby the enemy. Even after completion of crickets that had happened during the night and was drowned. Only then can it be Nookie Bathsheba. So I have a problem, I cause.

You probably already won, was never more than one team defense there.

But, but, but this is old .... all the news I have a rainbow after the flood, what to throw the old man a bone. We remember the prophets and ancient mythology and see what they are today?


I was freesome time. But when there is no time for you.

It 'hard to notice.

So it is easier to get lost. Or you away from.

I gave both Ben.

Well, what I was employment.

Lucifer tries to shed light on my sins for centuries. So I could grow and be happy, "he said. I have been right.

But this hand at work, I had all the cards stacked against him. Towards the end I ran the ideas for his life so miserable, are takenDisposable empty pistachio shells on his head from the depths of the sky.

If someone asks me if I have everything I hated.

He said no!



In fact, he loved more than me.

Man I had a good hoisted him! This observation Leviathan everything and everyone.

But I did wake up.

While some 'in a state of torpor. I think for you, was about four years. Give or take a century. So if Christ has sought to buy for me, you have shownthe door, but I was not home.

You know what I did in the last fifty years by those who have fallen homelessnes in your company, madness and society drunkenness. First, because their image, how I felt. But then, because I took care of them. I loved and suffered with them. Unfortunately, they remain short in the sky, but they are sitting on the royal altars. Cycle of karma, are still trying to improve.

But it ishave not, you! You, who abused them or you head. There was an innocent man in Nazi Germany.

I need to know. A group of Jews in Germany after the Holocaust to test me and sentenced me to death, before the evening prayer.

Maybe if I teach to talk to someone before you from my mistakes rather than learn about them. For Prince Bible teaches tyrant article.

But a man just released cycles AAMeetings, I went in healthy and balanced society. I learn and see where the gray of the medium can be more than apathy. One could draw the city, allowing a fire house in the center. Or a community house this soundtrack.

So if I meet some courtesy. Some sympathy and some taste Use all learned good courtesy. Because I learned a Prize!

In fact, I'm still learning!

Then your father. You have every rightCall on them, but never hate. Just realize that there are even worse than what he did, did!

Nietzsche believed there could be opportunities for positive man without God. Renounce belief in God opens the door to develop the creative capacity of man, in full. "......" The knowledge that "God is dead" would be like a blank canvas. How can I open sea, that are both exhilarating and frightening. It would be a great responsibility, and Nietzsche thinks that many, most would not agree.People rely on rules and authorities to tell them to do, what is the value, how to live. People who have finally learned to build their lives once again, are a new phase in the transformation of man.

It 'widely accepted that Nietzsche himself, "announced the" death of God ", but we must recognize that given in The Gay Science (The Gay Science) for the words in the mouth of a madman."

In this passage runs as the man called in a marketshouted: "God is dead God is dead!" Create a fun, nobody takes him seriously. Frustrated, the fool breaks his lantern on the ground and shouted that he had come too early, people can not see that they have killed God He continued saying: "This event is huge and still leave - has not yet reached the ears of the people . Lightning and thunder need time, Starlight takes time, facts need time, even after they are made to see and be heard. "


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